inviting new factions to cooperation, helping important people or retrieving the locations seized by the enemy) In case of power, you usually gain single points, whereas you can gain as many as several tens or even several hundred of influence points at a time (after you gain enough of them, you progress to the next level and receive an Inquisition perk point).īelow, you can see a list of the actions for which it is easier to obtain power and influence: You very often gain Power and Influence side by side, but their number is not unified. You will always be informed by the game that the party has gained some new points (an example of this kind of message has been presented in the screenshot above).
It is a good strategy to develop them from the very beginning of the game, because they are followed by certain profits that have been described further in the text. Power and Influence are two very important factors connected with the actions of the Inquisition.